
[compilation album] Terribly Sorry Bob

  • Decoy 24 (DYL24) - Terribly Sorry Bob
    Released 8/4/1991 LP/MC/CD
    1. Miles Apart
    2. Running In Darkness
    3. Distant Relatives
    4. Clear Blue Sky
    5. Less Than Senseless
    6. Dancing Days Are Over
    7. No Time
    8. Awkward Kid
    9. Cradle
    10. Finish
    11. Severance
    12. Thanx
    13. Square Through A Circle
    • This is a compilation of the first five singles on Decoy, plus the bonus track 'No Time'

Wallpaper for this Single:

800 by 600 scan

1024 by 800 scan

How to use these images:
1: click on the link
2: a bigger version of the cover will load (may take a minute)
3: when the image has loaded, click on it with the right mouse button
4: select 'set as wallpaper' from the pop up menu
5: job done!

Scans courtesy of Mat Berry - thanks!