[compilation album] Terribly Sorry Bob
- Decoy 24 (DYL24) - Terribly Sorry Bob
Released 8/4/1991 LP/MC/CD
- Miles Apart
- Running In Darkness
- Distant Relatives
- Clear Blue Sky
- Less Than Senseless
- Dancing Days Are Over
- No Time
- Awkward Kid
- Cradle
- Finish
- Severance
- Thanx
- Square Through A Circle
- This is a compilation of the first five singles on Decoy, plus the bonus track 'No Time'
Wallpaper for this Single:
800 by 600 scan
1024 by 800 scan
How to use these images:
1: click on the link
2: a bigger version of the cover will load (may take a minute)
3: when the image has loaded, click on it with the right mouse button
4: select 'set as wallpaper' from the pop up menu
5: job done!
Scans courtesy of Mat Berry - thanks!